Saturday, January 3, 2009

It is an ice cream day. :(

My cute, wonderful boyfriend has Las Vegas. Today is a sad day in this blogger's life. He got a promotion and a pay raise. On one hand, I am happy for him, on the other I am sad because I won't get to see him as often. Thankfully, he is an airplane mechanic for one of the largest airlines, so I can fly free and I have cousins that live in Vegas. Here is to hoping I get a ring here soon, so that I can move down there and be near him. We have talked about marriage. He is the one that generally brings it up. Just last night he asked, if I wouldn't mind being married in the Las Vegas Temple. Obviously there are no plans for us to breakup. I told him the only way he is getting rid of me is if I die or he breaks up with me. Since neither of us see us without each other, it is just a matter of time as to when I am a fiance. But today, I am going to go home and cry into a carton of ice cream. That's how us girls deal with our emotions we eat....


Dana said...

Mint chocolate chip or peanut butter and chocolate tend to dull the pain best. Wish I could give you a hug!

Yolanda said...

Hang in there sis. Before you know it, this time will have passed and you guys will be together forever. I know how hard it is right now though, I wish I could be there with you. I'd totally love to dive into some icecream. If you need to talk, call me anytime. I miss you. Take care of yourself.

Autumn said...

That's very sad! So sorry to hear it! I'll have to come over and read Twilight to you, since I know it's your favorite! :)

Jennie-O said...

Yeah, cuz the perils of an overly dramatic teenage girl in love with a vampire will make me feel better...Most likely make me throw up...

christina pettit said...

I thought it was an icre cream day