Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oh My Gosh!!

So, as you well know, I am a property manager. With that job comes some interesting situations and experiences. Today, is just a day that I am going to rant. I spent an hour or so today in court with our attorney due to some tenants of ours contesting their eviction. They informed me that they will be counter suing us, this coming from the boyfriend who decided to move in and isn't on the lease. Which means, he has no legal basis for suing us. I find it interesting that people want to argue, when all the proof is right there in their lack of payment and my careful accounting showing no rent has been paid for the past 3 months. Anyways, my boss forwarded me a voicemail, from this guy (who last week told me that if he died of a heart attack, it was going to be on my head!! ) This because we were evicting him and it was stressing him out. It was my fault not his fault for non payment. This new voicemail informed us that he had left his wife and two daughters and that if we were still willing to evict a woman and her two children than we were obviously bad people and that it will be on our concience.(I know I spelled that wrong!) Seriously, what has happened to people in this world? I am so tired of people not taking responsibility for their own actions or choices. It drives me nuts.


christina pettit said...

I'm sorry you had a bad day. I know someone who will offer you a free dinner and $60 if you go to this meeting . . .

Kristie V said...

People just never want to take responsibility. It is always somebodies elses fault and never theirs. Rude grow up people!!!